Montag, 23. Mai 2022

auf der Serviette


auf der Serviette
(19. Juni 2020)

(by a.k.)

Freitag, 13. Mai 2022

immer seltener


[...] Man wurde immer seltener von Fremden angesprochen - meist nur von Soziopathen. Irgendetwas daran war merkwürdig geworden: Im besten Fall wurde man als Sonderling abgestempelt, im ungünstigsten als Triebtäter. 
(Roland Grohs: Joe baut ein Meer. Ein Schelmenroman. Klagenfut/Celovec 2021, S. 27)


Mittwoch, 20. April 2022

Auf der Brücke


Auf der Brücke

(by a.k.)

Dienstag, 12. April 2022

"Take One Last Look"


Take One Last Look
(Tom Waits)

Let's watch the sun come up in another town
Try our luck a little further down
Leave the cards on the table
Leave the bread on the plate
Put your hand on the gearshift
Put your foot off the break

And take one last look
At the place that you are leaving
Take one last look
Oh, take one last look
At the place that you are leaving
Take one last look
Our bed was something that the wind couldn't carry
The arrow points away across the waiting prairie
This car looks like it could give us a good run
Our choice to leave was a good one

Let's look forward to the lights that are new
The world is a ribbon of road for you
All towns have churches and tire shops
They put up speed limit signs and they hire cops
I love to see the wind in your hair
All we ever need we can get anywhere.

And take one last look
At the place that you are leaving
Take one last look
Oh, take one last look
At the place that you are leaving
Take one last look